ថ្មីៗនេះ Ubuntu ទើបតែចេញ ជំនាន់ថ្មីរបស់ខ្លួួនទៀតហើយគឺ 14.10 ដែលវាមានឈ្មោះថា (Utopic Unicorn)...
Uninspiring Unicorn
Ubuntu 14.10 is a rock-solid, hearty and dependable release. Perhaps
more here than ever before. There’s no getting away from the fact that
it’s an uninspiring update on paper, and is far from being anything
approaching essential. For those on releases prior to April’s LTS, avid
Ubuntu fans and developers in need of the latest packages and libraries
to build on, Utopic is perhaps a leap worth taking. For the rest of us
the truncated support period on offer (9 months) and only a smattering
of minor app updates make a less than convincing case that upgrading is
worth the hassle
What’s New?
Don’t be disappointed guys. Sadly, there is no major changes in this
version. Here is the list of changes in this new release. This version
is officially supported for upto 9 months.
- Linux kernel 3.16.0-23.
- MySQL 5.6/MariaDB 5.5
- PHP 5.5
- Upstart 1.13.2
- Openstack 2014.2, code named juno
- Libvirt 1.2.8
- LXC 1.0
Notable Apps
- LibreOffice
- Firefox 33
- Thunderbird 33
- Nautilus 3.10
- Evince 3.14
- Rhythmbox 3.0.3
- Unity 7.3.1
Download Torrent
Download ISOUbuntu 14.10 Desktop (64bit) Ubuntu 14.10 Desktop (32bit)
Other Ubuntu 14.10
Ubuntu 14.10 Server 32bit.iso (576MB)
Ubuntu 14.10 Server 64bit.iso (582MB)
Ubuntu Core 14.10
Ubuntu 14.10 (NetBoot)
Ubuntu Cloud 14.10
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